Flexible heating and cooling and geothermal energy storage as an enabler for decarboniSed integrated energy systems
A retrofit of the fossil-fuel-dominated heating sector will need new sources of energy supply. At the same time, a significant amount of end-user flexibility will be required in the future to enable an increased share of variable renewable energy sources in the power grid.
The main objective of FLXenabler is to develop an implementable framework for flexible, fossil-free heating and cooling supply; and to demonstrate the impact of sector coupling and integration of heat pumps, geothermal resources, and thermal energy storage in accelerating the transition into a fully decarbonised energy system in Europe and the U.S.
The project will address flexibility utilisation in decarbonised heating and cooling systems at the national, district and community level and assess the impact of flexibility at community and district levels in the energy system and decarbonisation goals on a national scale.
Main Coordinator: Hanne Kauko
SINTEF Energy Research, Norway