The long-term goal of the DEEPLIGHT new game-changing drilling system is to improve the economics of geothermal heat production, thereby delivering a cost-efficient base load for carbon-neutral heat networks. This new drilling system is based on Electric Pulsed Power (EPP) technology and a new way of casing placement while drilling.
The novel EPP drilling technology will be capable of drilling much deeper wells with larger diameters than current drilling technology. Because there is no mechanical contact for torque and weight on the bit for rock breaking, no heavy equipment is needed, and no trips for bit replacements are required.
EPP drilling with integrated casing placement will improve the economics of geothermal projects and boost the development of the sustainable heat sector.
Main Coordinator: Gert-Jan Heerens, TNO Netherlands
Project partners Germany
– BITSz Electronics GmbH (BIT), Germany– Technische Universität Dresden (TUD), Germany
– WiE GmbH – Werk für industrielle Elektronik (WIE), Germany
Project partners Iceland
– Iceland Drilling Company (IDC), Iceland
– Iceland GeoSurvey (ÍSOR), Iceland
Project partners the Netherlands
– IHC Mining B.V. (IHC), The Netherlands– Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (TUE), The Netherlands
– the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO), The Netherlands
– Well Engineering Partners B.V. (WEP), The Netherlands