Food production in Europe requires further steps to reduce the carbon footprint. This project showcases the opportunities for the direct use of geothermal energy to increase food production in highly productive circular systems. 

The objectives and challenges are to 

  1. design and optimise a demonstration plant in Iceland with direct use of geothermal energy for innovative sustainable circular food production techniques, built on technological advances in aquaponics (the combination of aquaculture and hydroponics), the inclusion of new species, product diversification, tourism related edutainment and business development; 
  2. design and build a research system to optimise energy configuration in The Netherlands at the research facilities of Wageningen UR. 
Furthermore, the aim is to disseminate the results to other geothermal areas worldwide.

Project website

Final project public report available in Publications




Institution/enterprise Country
Samrækt efh Iceland
Wageningen UR Netherlands
University of Iceland Iceland
LandlngAquaculture Netherlands
Ammerlan The Green Innovator  Netherlands
University of Maribor Slovenia
Municipality of Brezice Slovenia


  Geothermica financing Total cost Own financing
GEOFOOD - Total financing  1.249.204 1.749.656 500.452