First series of funded projects
GEOTHERMICA – ERA-NET Cofund is supporting eight high-quality transnational projects on geothermal energy in its Call 1. The total investment in the projects is close to € 50 million. GEOTHERMICA funds about half, and the other half comes from project partners.
The projects cover a broad range of topics, such as heat storage, managing induced seismicity, EGS drilling and completion, production operations, composite casing and integrated applications of geothermal heat. They have participants from the Netherlands, Switzerland, Iceland, Ireland, France, Flanders, Denmark, Slovenia, Germany, Spain and Azores Portugal.
It is the first series of GEOTHERMICA-funded projects in 2018 that demonstrate and validate novel concepts of geothermal energy deployment within the energy system. They bring innovative geothermal energy solutions closer to commercial deployment.
The total budget funding in this first call is around M€44- of which GEOTHERMICA Consortium supports 55%.
An overview of the projects with a short description and funding info can be found on the right menu.
Call1 projects have been finalised in the first half of 2022, and their final reports are available under the Publications - link here.