CAGE is a development and demonstration project of several cost-saving and output-improving installation technologies. The objective is to demonstrate a new GE concept, suitable for limestone areas and target depths of 1 to 2.5 km. The demonstration contains the following innovations:

  • Crane-based drilling
  • Enhanced Casing Installation (ECI / ECCI) technology (Casing While Drilling)
  • Lightweight and corrosion-resistant High Strength Composite Casing (HSCC)
  • Acoustic Multi-Sensor Parameter Analysis (MSPA) supported Radial Drilling
  • Airlift technology to replace the costly Electrical Submergible Pump 

CAGE has three main work packages:

  1. preparatory studies (geology, well design, surface installations, business case, etc.)
  2. technology demonstration (see above) @ reallocation
  3. the development of the full composite mechanical connection (major improvement of ECCI).

 Project updates 

Final Project public report  available in Publications

Presentation from the Mid-Term review meeting June 2020

Project partNers

Institution/enterprise Country
Huisman Netherlands
Gipmans Netherlands
Huisman Well Technology BV Netherlands
Geothermie Zentrum Bochum Germany
VITO (Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek) Belgium
Radial Drilling Europe BV Netherlands
Nederlandse organisatie voor
Thomas More KempenBelgium

 Project lead Willem de Jong. 

Project financing

  Geothermica financing Total cost  Own financing
CAGE - Total financing   5.834.888  13.457.698 7.622.810