Additional Activities
GEOTHERMICA participants' primary role as governmental entities provided a unique opportunity to engage - with high priority and in a concerted manner throughout Europe – principal stakeholders across the geothermal energy value chain ranging from grant- receiving members of the research community to industry actors that develop and deploy geothermal technologies.
GEOTHERMICA consortium's centrepiece is a Work Package 7 on “Knowledge, Strategy and Support”. This work aims at broadening the scope and scale of strategic cooperation as carried out in the precursor project “GEOTHERMAL ERA-NET”. The primary goal of this work is to enhance the information and knowledge exchange between all relevant stakeholders within the community and to compare, discuss and, where possible, streamline the strategic goals of the different interest groups
Additional activities support aspirations through:
- Exchanging information, knowledge and good practices related to geothermal energy research and innovation policies between the national and regional funding bodies.
- Developing a coordinated strategy to build a durable and long-lasting European research and innovation cooperative to develop geothermal energy.
- Implementing the strategy via joint activities and programs aimed at coordinated research, innovation and market support for the uptake of geothermal energy.
Currently, the GEOTHERMICA project focuses on OpERA and Round Table activities.
Reports about the activities on the right-hand side menu.
Site visit of GEOTHERMICA Consortium during kick-off in Azores, January 2017.