The Netherlands - RVO NL

RVO NL Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (Netherlands Enterprise Agency) 


Netherlands Enterprise Agency is a department of the Dutch Ministerie van Economische Zaken (Ministry of Economic Affairs), that implements government policy for sustainability, innovation, and international business and cooperation. 

RVO encourages entrepreneurs in sustainable, agrarian, innovative and international business. RVO is the number one contact point for businesses, knowledge institutions and government bodies. One single contact point for information, advice, financing, networking and regulatory matters. One single contact point for a quicker and better service. RVO also collaborates with international organizations such as the European Union, the International Energy Agency (IEA) and foreign governments. Through RVO, these organizations gain access to a broad Dutch network of knowledge institutes, research centers, trade associations, companies and government officials. We also participate in numerous international platforms and counselling groups.

The sub-directorate Competitive and Sustainable energy is one of the five directorates of RVO and is the central Dutch entity to run governmental programmes related to energy and climate change issues. Apart from national programmes this sub-directorate is also active in projects for the International Energy Agency and the European Union. Domestic programmes have international components as well. RVO and the Ministry of Economic Affairs are the same organization, but with a different name and task. RVO participates in GEOTHERMICA.

Lead person:

Mr. Paul Ramsak of the Energy Research Coordination Team within the Competitive and Sustainable Energy Sector subdirectorate. He has been involved in geothermal energy since the year 2000, and has been one of the key-persons to get geothermal energy off the ground in the Netherlands. Paul Ramsak is the central contact for geothermal energy within RVO NL (Netherlands Enterprise Agency)