France - ADEME
Two bodies: French Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME) & Ministère de l'Environnement, de l'Énergie et de la Mer (MEEM)
ADEME (French Environment and Energy Management Agency) is a public agency under the joint authority of Ministry of Environment, Energy and the Sea and the Ministry of Higher Education and Research.
ADEME is involved in the following sectors: renewable energies, air quality, noise control, transport & mobility, waste & recycling, polluted soil and sites, environmental management. Within the framework of the public policies defined by the government, the Agency's mission is to stimulate, animate, coordinate, facilitate and perform operations with the aim of protecting the environment and managing energy ADEME employs about 850 persons located in 3 central offices (Angers, Paris, and Valbonne), 26 regional branches, 4 representations in the French overseas department and 1 office in Brussels.
ADEME aims to be the point of reference and privileged partner for the general public, private companies and local authorities, acting as the State's operator to generalize the best practices for the protection of the environment. To implement its policies and its actions, ADEME also develops partnerships with federations of professionals, private companies, local authorities and NGOs in other countries.
Lead person:
Norbert Bommensatt Chargé de mission Géothermie à l'ADEME
MEDDE- The Ministry of Environment, Energy and the Sea (as of February 2016) formerly named MEDDE, prepares and implements the policy of the Government in the areas of the sustainable development, the environment, the green technologies, the energy transition and the energy, in particular in terms of tariffs,climate, prevention of natural and technological risks, industrial safety, transport and their infrastructures, the equipment, the sea, with the exception of the construction and of naval repairs, as well as in the areas of fishing at sea and fish farming.It develops and implements the policy of fight against global warming and atmospheric pollution. It promotes a sustainable management of the rare resources. It is associated with the European and international negotiations on the climate. It participates in the elaboration of research programs related to its assignments
Lead person
Paul Bonnetblanc, Director General of Energy and Climate (DGEC) at the MEDDE, mining engineer, in charge of CCS and geothermal energy as Policy Officer. He acts as a focal point for geothermal energy issues within the Ministry which encompass heat pump, district heating and high-temperature geothermal energy. He also participates at several international initiatives including the Global Geothermal Alliance coordinated by IRENA and launched at COP21. Prior to this position, Mr. Bonnetblanck managed projects in energy and natural resource, both as coordinator and on the technical side from 1996 to 2014, including a EU INTERREG project in Dominica (2008) as far as geothermal energy is concerned.